Does Cash in Lieu of Benefits Compensation Affect Your Overtime Pay Rate?

Cash in lieu of benefits compensation impacts the overtime pay rate for employees. If you believe your employer is not paying the correct overtime rate, you should speak with a San Diego wage and hours lawyer as soon as possible. What is Cash in Lieu […]

Minor League Players, MLB Reach Settlement in Minimum Wage Lawsuit

On May 10, 2022, attorneys for Major League Baseball (MLB) and minor league players filed a motion with the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, informing Judge Spero that both sides had reached a settlement in a lawsuit.  This lawsuit had originally been filed […]

How Much Do I Need to Be Paid Under the Service Contract Act?

The McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act (Service Contract Act or SCA) is a federal law that controls various aspects of service contracts between the federal government and individuals or companies. As a “service employee,” you work for one of the contractors performing services on an SCA. […]

How to File a Wage Claim in California

You deserve to be paid the wages you earn. California hour and wage laws require employers to compensate employees for all time they work. If your employer fails to pay your wages, you can file a wage claim with the California Labor Commission. How to […]

Is it Legal for Employers to Round My Time in San Diego?

Hourly employees in California must be paid at least minimum wage for all hours worked according to California Labor Code §204. The minimum wage for non-exempt employees within the city limits of San Diego is $15 per hour as of January 1, 2022. The minimum […]

How Much Paid Sick Leave Am I Entitled to in California?

When you or your family member is sick, it is important to know that you can take time away from work without fearing for your job. Being out of work because of an illness can be financially devastating.  Paid sick time can help you care […]

Do California Employers Need to Provide Cell Phone Reimbursements to Employees?

Yes, employers must reimburse employees for using personal cell phones for business purposes. California law is clear on this issue. Additionally, employers may need to reimburse remote employees for business expenses. What is the Law Regarding Cell Phone Reimbursements to Employees in California? There is […]

Is My Employer Required to Pay “Prevailing Wages” in California?

The California Prevailing Wage Laws require employers to pay employees in public works projects the prevailing wage. The prevailing wage is determined by the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). The wages depend on the project’s location and the type of work being performed by […]

Are Per Diem or Flat Sum Payments Considered Taxable Wages in California?

The state of California considers wages as compensation for an employee’s personal service. Companies may pay employee compensation by check, cash, or the cash value of non-cash payments. Wages are taxable by the federal government and the state of California.  However, per diems are generally […]

How Do You Calculate Meal and Rest Break Premiums in California?

California workers are entitled to regular meal and rest breaks under California labor laws. However, if an employer denies an employee their meal or rest break, the law requires the employer to “compensate” the employee at a premium rate for the time.  According to California […]

Are Caregivers and Homecare Workers Entitled to Overtime?

Many families hire caregivers and homecare workers to assist elderly or disabled members of their families. Caregivers and homecare workers are protected by federal and state laws governing minimum wage and overtime pay.  In California, these workers are entitled to overtime pay. Understanding overtime pay […]

What Can I Do If I Think My Employer is Committing Healthcare Fraud?

Healthcare fraud results in billions of dollars in losses for the government each year. For citizens, healthcare fraud contributes to increases in insurance premiums and taxes.  If you suspect your employer is committing healthcare fraud, you can file a lawsuit under the False Claims Act. […]

How to Find Out What’s in Your Personnel File in California

There are many reasons an employee may want to know what information is included in their personnel file. For example, perhaps you have been terminated for reasons that you believe are unfair or even illegal. Or, you might suspect that you have not been compensated […]

California Supreme Court Impacts On-Duty and On-Call Rest Periods for California Employees

In 2016, California’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of the plaintiff in the case of Jennifer Augustus v. ABM Security Services Inc. This case involved an employer that required security guards to keep their pagers and radios on during breaks. This requirement allegedly ensured that […]

Can an Employer Avoid Paying Overtime by Placing Employees on an Alternative Workweek Schedule in San Diego (AWS)?

Employees deserve to be paid fair wages for their service. California has some of the most favorable wage and hour laws in the country, including laws requiring overtime pay.  Most employers are required to pay overtime wages when an employee works over eight hours in […]

Timing is Everything: AB 9, Statutes of Limitations and the Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies

Understanding the provision of AB 9 is important if you want to file claims under several California discrimination and leave protection laws. AB 9 increased the time to file claims under these laws from one year to three years. However, you still need to be […]

California’s 4-Hour Minimum Shift: What You Need to Know

Many employees work a standard eight to ten-hour shift. They report to work each day at the same time and leave work at the same time. However, this situation does not apply to all workers. Some employees work odd hours. For example, they may work […]

Can an Employer Ask for Proof of Disability in San Diego? 

According to the CDC, 61 million Americans live with a disability. The Americans with Disabilities Act was created to help prevent discrimination against these individuals. United States disability laws make it illegal for anyone to refuse communications, housing, or services to people with disabilities. It’s […]

Can Employers Round Time Punches For Meal Breaks in San Diego, CA?

California has some of the broadest employee protections in the country. Thanks to a new ruling by the California Supreme Court, employers can no longer round time punches for meal breaks. Rounding Time Punches for Meal Breaks Prohibited in California The case in question is […]

Can an employer deny an ADA reasonable accommodation request?

The Americans with Disabilities Act establishes certain requirements for employers regarding accommodations for employees with disabilities. One of these requirements applies to whether an employer may deny a disabled employee’s request for an accomodation. Employers must usually grant an employee’s accommodation requests unless it would […]