San Diego Labor Class Actions

Tacoma, Washington, offers a fantastic quality of life, making it a great place to work and live. However, even great work environments can face employment law violations. When such issues arise, a Tacoma employment law firm can provide the representation employees need to pursue compensation for wrongful termination, workplace retaliation, or other forms of workplace misconduct.

The attorneys at Ferraro Vega Employment Lawyers, Inc., understand the state’s expansive labor laws. In some cases, our clients are also protected under federal laws. No matter which type of workplace violation you experience, you can trust our firm to protect your rights while seeking compensation for your lost wages or wrongful termination. 

Why Choose Ferraro Vega Employment Lawyers, Inc.

Employment law violations in Tacoma, Washington, are serious and require experienced legal support. If your employer has infringed upon your employee rights, you need a law firm that understands the state’s employment laws. 

Our founding attorneys have substantial experience working with large corporations, providing our team with valuable insight into employment disputes. Our attorneys are highly knowledgeable about the state’s Labor Code, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and other essential regulations designed to protect workers.

We deliver exceptional legal representation and strategic litigation customized to your unique situation. Addressing employment law violations in Tacoma involves a thorough review of extensive records. We utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure your claim is supported by robust evidence, enhancing your chances of securing a favorable settlement.

best employment attorney in tacoma

Common Examples of Employment Law Violations in Tacoma

The types of employment law violations that happen in Tacoma are common throughout the state. Hour and wage violations are a common reason why someone seeks the help of a labor law attorney in Tacoma. Nonexempt workers have the right to earn overtime if they work more than eight hours in a day or 40 hours in a standard work week. 

Exempt workers include employees who work in high-level administrative positions or earn above a certain threshold. If your employer has you perform work-related tasks before you clock in, those minutes should be added to your timesheets. 

Some employers may push the boundaries by requiring or requesting workers to attend work-related events on weekends. One question you can ask yourself is whether your employer benefits from you showing up outside of work. If the answer is yes, you may have the right to be compensated for those extra tasks and events. 

A hostile work environment can also provide legal grounds for hiring an employment law attorney. A hostile work environment is one where workers are routinely subjected to harassment, discrimination, and other degrading and harmful acts of misconduct. Even when the misconduct is not directed toward you, the results can feel the same. 

No matter what type of employment law violation you experience, our attorneys can review your case before determining the appropriate source of compensation for your emotional duress, lost wages, or wrongful termination. The first step often involves an employment law attorney reaching out to their client’s employer directly. If needed, your lawyer can file an administrative complaint with the appropriate governmental agency or take direct legal action in court. If the administrative complaint process fails to resolve the matter or fully compensate you for your lost wages, your lawyer can pursue the possibility of taking the matter to court. Civil court cases are typically resolved through a settlement. During the court case, your attorney can gather evidence that strengthens your claim. 

FAQs About Tacoma, WA Employment Laws

What Should I Not Say if I Am Terminated?

Anything that you say following your termination could affect your compensation claim. If you were wrongfully fired, you may feel strong emotions about your former employer. That is normal. Do not make public posts about your former employer or seek to engage anyone at work. Your attorney should be the only person who communicates with your former place of work. Anything derogatory you say or write could weaken your claim for compensation. 

What Constitutes a Hostile Work Environment?

A hostile work environment refers to persistent and pervasive acts by colleagues that create an unhealthy and toxic work environment. When employees have to work in an intimidating, hostile, or abusive atmosphere, it makes it difficult for employees to do their job. Exposure to inappropriate jokes and comments at work can be demeaning and damaging to the mental health of workers. 

Does a Meeting With HR Mean You’re Getting Fired?

A meeting with HR does not always mean that you are getting fired. It is important to review and understand your company’s employee policies to make sure that HR follows its own written procedures. Many companies require HR to notify workers about workplace behavior or performance issues before termination is considered. If your contract is violated in any way, you can hire an attorney to seek compensation for your wrongful termination. 

How Do You Respond to an Unfair Termination?

One of the first steps you should take after being unfairly terminated is to gather evidence of the unlawful termination. This could include emails, communications with HR, and personal notes you make. 

Another critical step will involve finding an experienced employment law attorney who understands Washington’s labor laws as well as applicable federal laws. It is not advisable to post negative comments about your former employer or to send communications to former colleagues about the termination. 

Can I Receive Unemployment if I Am Fired?

You can receive unemployment if you are fired, but the state’s Employment Security Department may investigate the cause of your termination. If you are found to have been dishonest at work, insubordinate, chronically late, or absent, your unemployment benefits may be revoked. If your benefits are wrongfully denied, you can hire an attorney to explore steps to restore your eligibility for unemployment. 

Schedule Your Employment Law Consultation in Tacoma Today

Washington affords many protections to workers. If you were not fairly compensated for work you performed or experienced workplace harassment or retaliation, you can hire an employment law attorney to protect your rights. The remedy for many labor law disputes is a settlement offer from your employer or reinstatement at your former position. 

The attorneys at Ferraro Vega Employment Lawyers, Inc., have helped many workers receive fair compensation from their employers or former employers. We understand how businesses think when it comes to wage disputes, and we can leverage that knowledge for your benefit. To schedule your free consultation, contact our office today.