Full Title - Adkison v. Oak Valley Hotel LLC

Court - San Diego County Superior Court

Number - 37-2020-00036249-CU-OE-CTL

Status - Pending

Who does this case affect?

All individuals who work or worked for Oak Valley Hotel (Crowne Plaza Hotel) in California as a non-exempt or hourly employee at any time during the period of October 9, 2016 through the present date.

What are the allegations?

The complaint alleges (1) failure to pay wages (minimum and regular wages); (2) failure to pay overtime wages; (3) failure to provide meal periods; (4) failure to permit rest breaks; (5) failure to timely pay wages; (6) failure to provide accurate wage statements; (7) failure to pay all wages due upon separation of employment (waiting time penalties); (8) unfair business practices; and (9) civil penalties under the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA).


Adkison v. Oak Valley Hotel (Crowne Plaza Hotel)


What can you do?

If you believe you are part of this case or received a letter about it, you may contact us for information about this case. You can also review our Class Action FAQ or learn about our ongoing Wage and Hour Investigations.